A <representation> which specifically depends on an anatomical structure in the cognitive system of an organism.
A mental representation of something that is experienced or imagined about one's inner or outer world.
The use of the phrase ‘an anatomical structure in the cognitive system’ in the formal definition means that a specific cognitive representation will depend on parts of the brain, rather than involving the whole brain. When a belief is activated, the content of that belief is a cognitive representation.
"Associative clusters" in the Reflective Impulsive Model; "Behavioural Schemata" in the Reflective Impulsive Model; "Relational Schemata" in the Reflective Impulsive Model; "Cognitive Factors (intrapersonal) / cognitive arm of the model" in the Ecological Model for Preventing Type 2 Diabetes; "Unconscious" in the Terror Management Health Model; "Conscious" in the Terror Management Health Model; "Death thought activation" in the Terror Management Health Model